Thursday, February 3, 2011


 I've been friends with Jennifer's fiance, Seth, for many years. I saw him at a party a few months ago, and he told me he was getting married and "lucky for him" I was doing bridal hair and makeup! I gave him my card not completely expecting him to remember to actually give the card to his bride-to-be. But a few weeks later I got the call from Jennifer. She is just lovely. We did her hair, makeup and lashes at their apartment in South Austin and hung out with Seth and their beautiful baby girl, Stella. Jennifer was relaxed and happy and excited about her plans for the rest of the day. When I asked about the ceremony and reception, she casually replied, "We'll probably go out dancing after the dinner, who knows?" and sipped her champagne. Gotta love the awesomely relaxed bride! Congratulations, Jennifer and Seth.

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